Winter 2022 MAE 204 Robotics - UR3 Lab
Spring 2018 MAE 150 Design Challenge
Fall 2015 MAE 3 Design Competition
Fall 2023: MAE 107 Computational Methods for Engineers (syllabus, schedule)
Winter 2024: MAE 204 Introduction to Robotics (syllabus, schedule)
Spring 2024: MAE 249 Soft Robotics (syllabus, schedule)
Fall 2022: MAE 107 Computational Methods for Engineers (syllabus, schedule)
Winter 2023: MAE 204 Introduction to Robotics (syllabus, schedule)
Spring 2023: MAE 207 Soft Robotics (syllabus)
Fall 2021: MAE 107 Computational Methods for Engineers (syllabus, schedule)
Winter 2022: MAE 204 Introduction to Robotics (syllabus, schedule)
Spring 2022: Sabbatical
Fall 2020: MAE 107 Computational Methods for Engineers (syllabus, schedule)
Winter 2021: MAE 204 Introduction to Robotics (syllabus, schedule)
Spring 2021: Sabbatical
Fall 2019: MAE 150 Computer-Aided Analysis and Design (syllabus, schedule)
Winter 2020: MAE 204 Introduction to Robotics (syllabus, schedule)
Spring 2020: MAE 207 Soft Robotics (syllabus)
Fall 2018: MAE 3 Introduction to Engineering Graphics and Design (website)
Winter 2019: MAE 204 Introduction to Robotics (syllabus, schedule)
Spring 2019: MAE 150 Computer-Aided Analysis and Design
Fall 2017: MAE 3 Introduction to Engineering Graphics and Design (website)
Winter 2018: MAE 207 Soft Robotics (website)
Spring 2018: MAE 150 Computer-Aided Analysis and Design
Fall 2016: MAE 3 Introduction to Engineering Graphics and Design (website)
Winter 2017: MAE 207 Experimental Robotics (website)
Spring 2017: MAE 150 Computer-Aided Analysis and Design
Fall 2015: MAE 3 Introduction to Engineering Graphics and Design (website, media coverage: UCSD News, San Diego Union-Tribune)
Winter 2016: MAE 150 Computer-Aided Analysis and Design
Spring 2016: MAE 207 Soft Robotics
Spring 2015: MAE 3 Introduction to Engineering Graphics and Design (website)
MAE course descriptions
MAE 150 Fall 2019 Competition Winners (left to right):
Kenan O'Connor (MPB Lightest Structure), Alex Dornfest (MPB Best Report), Qiming Zhang (MPA Best Laser Cam)